Radiology is the medical discipline that uses medical imaging to diagnose diseases and guide their treatment, within the bodies of humans.
1. Ultra Sonography (USG)
- Abdomen
- Breast
- Extremities
- Renal
- Shoulder
- Neck
- Chest
- Hip
- Scrotum
- Thyroid
2. Womens Imaging
- Obstetric / Pregnancy
- Gynec / Pelvic Study / Tvs
- Infertility / Follicular Study
3. Doppler Study
- Doppler Venous (Upper & Lower Limb)
- Doppler Arteries (Upper & Lower Limb)
- Doppler Renal
- Doppler Carotid
- Doppler Antenatal
- USG Guided Ascitic Fluid Tapping
- USG Guided Liver Biopsy
- USG Guided FNAC
- USG Guided Pleural Tapping
4. Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan
- CT Brain (Plain / Contrast)
- CT Servical Spine
- CT Lumbar Spine
- CT Pelvis
- CT ORBT, PNS & Temporal Bone
- CT Extremities
- CT Urogram
- CT Guided FNAC & Biopsy
- Aortogram
- Pulmonary Angiography
- Thoracic Angiography
- CT Cerebral Angiography
- CT Face 3D Reconstruction